August 7, 2024, 2:23pm
This is what my hugo.toml
file looks like:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General configuration
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "New Hugo Site"
languageCode = "hu"
theme = "mytheme"
I need Hugo to apply the languageCode
from hugo.toml
, and default to English when no language code is specified. I tried this in the baseof.html
<html lang="{{ .Site.LanguageCode | default "en" }}">
It appears that the languageCode
defined in hugo.toml
is not being applied, as the language code remains set to en
Can anyone offer suggestions into what might be causing this problem and how to address it?
Thank you!
Please share the entire site configuration file.
August 7, 2024, 2:35pm
I want en-US
not the default en
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General configuration
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "New Hugo Site"
baseURL = "localhost"
languageCode = "en-US"
theme = "basic"
# The number of posts per page
paginate = 2
pygmentsUseClasses = true
# Fall back to English if no translations are available
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
# Disabled languages
# e.g. ["hu", "es", "de"]
disableLanguages = []
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default site params
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
author = "Your Name"
description = "New Hugo Site"
copyright = "Copyright {currentYear} Zoltan. All rights reserved."
images = ["site-social.png"]
twittercard = true
opengraph = true
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Languages
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# English
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
weight = 1
languageName = "English"
# Menu
name = "Home"
url = "/"
weight = 1
name = "About Us"
url = "/about/"
identifier = "about"
weight = 2
name = "Blog"
url = "/posts/"
weight = 3
# Hungarian
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Override general configuration
title = "Új Hugo Weboldal"
languageCode = "hu"
languageName = "Hungarian"
weight = 2
# Override default site params
description = "Új Hugo Weboldal"
copyright = "Copyright {currentYear} Zoltan. Minden jog fenntartva."
name = "Címlap"
url = "/"
weight = 1
name = "Rólunk"
url = "/about/"
identifier = "about"
weight = 2
name = "Blog"
url = "/posts/"
weight = 3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Posts
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Permalinks
posts = "posts/:year/:month/:slug"
year = "/posts/:slug/"
month = "/posts/:slug/"
# Taxonomies
year = "year"
month = "month"
tag = "tags"
category = "categories"
# Related content
threshold = 80.0
includeNewer = false
toLower = false
name = "keywords"
weight = 100.0
name = "date"
weight = 10.0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Security
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
allow = ['^go$', '^npx$', '^postcss$', '^babel$']
Set a languageCode
for each language.
1 Like
August 7, 2024, 2:43pm
Thank you. It works.
As for the baseof template, is it still necessary to use the default "en"
in? :
<html lang="{{ .Site.LanguageCode | default "en" }}">
or just having <html lang="{{ .Site.LanguageCode }}">
suffice? I’m asking this question because my site was set up using an older Hugo release from around two years ago, which used config.toml
instead of hugo.toml
. I thought the default behavior might now be managed automatically.
always returns something other than an empty string:
) The language code from the site configuration. Falls back to Lang
if not defined.
In older versions .Site.LanguageCode
did not fall back to anything. I’m not sure when we fixed that, but it was within the last couple of years.
1 Like
August 8, 2024, 8:11am
Thank you. I’ve noticed that the Ananke theme, which I understand is a good reference for Hugo templating, uses the following:
<html lang="{{ site.LanguageCode | default site.Language.Lang }}">
Interestingly, it uses just site
rather than .Site
like in my case. So, could I use just site
without that dot context? Also, a default value is specified. I think the example from Ananke might be more correct, am I right?
At some point in time it was more correct but, as I mentioned, .Site.Language.LanguageCode
now falls back to .Site.Language.Lang
if you do not set languageCode
in your site configuration. Or, to put it another way, these are equivalent:
{{ .Site.Language.LanguageCode }}
{{ .Site.Language.LanguageCode | default .Site.Language.Lang }}
Although you can use .Site.LanguageCode
instead of .Site.Language.LanguageCode
, I would use the second one. The first one is not documented and may be removed in a future release.
Finally, as @nfriedli referenced, in almost all cases you can use the global site
function to get to the desired Site
object. For your use case, these are equivalent:
{{ .Site.Language.LanguageCode }}
{{ site.Language.LanguageCode }}
August 8, 2024, 2:00pm
Thank you so much for the clarification. I appreciate your time.
August 10, 2024, 2:01pm
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