Apply html class to element


I am wondering if there is a way to properly assign a custom class to a specific list-item?

In my content .md page, I am able to apply a custom class type to an h1 Header using the normal syntax:

# An Example {.important-li}

The renders as expected, applying the custom class important-li to the html h1 element

However I can not seem to make this work on an li list-item? I have tried to syntax:

- An Example {.important-li}

as well as the alternative li tags of + and * but for some reason this always renders without the custom class being applied to the list-item?

Does anyone know how I might apply a custom class to a list-item within my .MD file?

thank you very much for any suggestions or help.

Hugo supports markdown attributes on images and block-level elements including blockquotes, fenced code blocks, headings, horizontal rules, lists, paragraphs, and tables.

You cannot apply markdown attributes to list items (ordered, unordered, or description).

ah - ok, thank you @jmooring


Clarification… you can apply a markdown attribute to a paragraph, even if it is within an li element. The blank lines and indentation are required.



- item one
- item two


<ul class="list">
<p class="p-one">item one</p>
<p class="p-two">item two</p>
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