Ananke theme: warnings about duplicate menu entry

When previewing the Ananke theme with latest hugo version v0.124.1, three warnings about duplicate menu entries are shown:

WARN  "/home/andreas/gohugo-theme-ananke/exampleSite/content/en/about/": duplicate menu entry with identifier "About" in menu "main"
WARN  "/home/andreas/gohugo-theme-ananke/exampleSite/content/en/": duplicate menu entry with identifier "Contact" in menu "main"
WARN  "/home/andreas/gohugo-theme-ananke/exampleSite/content/fr/": duplicate menu entry with identifier "Contact" in menu "main"

When previewing the theme with hugo version v0.122.0, these warnings do not appear.

Are this warnings justified?

No. See The warnings appear with v0.123.0 and later.

In the interest of tracking forum topics related to v0.123.x that do not have a corresponding GitHub issue, I am marking this resolved.

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