Hello! I am setting up my first Hugo site using the Minimo theme and I am trying to get my tag cloud to display the tags in alphabetical order.
The relevant code (I believe) is range .Data.Terms.Alphabetical and is found in the theme’s term_cloud.html partial, but the terms are displayed in random order nonetheless. Trying ByCount as a test also has no effect.
Any idea what I need to change in this theme’s template to generate the tags in alphabetical order? Thanks for any help!
Thanks for the tip @maiki about the theme’s project issues! I submitted an inquiry.
I am currently running the site locally on the test server. But I notice that the example site’s tag cloud using that partial also displays the tags in random order.
Thanks to @MunifTanjim - the theme creator - who responded by adding the noTermCloudShuffle option to Minimo. I now have a working alphabetical tag cloud. Good stuff!