Airtable and Hugo

Hi, I’d like to add an Airtable table (with their API) to a page in Hugo.

Airtable API generates a JSON like this:

    "records": [
            "id": "rec59ZTYA9oFg3DJl",
            "fields": {
                "Id": 1,
                "Title": "This is a title",
                "Text": "This is a text"
            "createdTime": "2021-01-17"
            "id": "reccDvqIAlwJnnZ0",
            "fields": {
                "Id": 2,
                "Title": "This is a title 2",
                "Text": "This is a text 2"
            "createdTime": "2021-01-17"
            "id": "recieerCw9dHE8Naq",
            "fields": {
                "Id": 3,
                "Title": "This is a title 3",
                "Text": "This is a text 3"
            "createdTime": "2021-01-17"

To view data, I write something like this:

{{ range $gistJ }}
  {{ range . }}
      <li>{{ .fields.Title }}</li>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

It works, but I would order list by date, and I don’t know what code I have to use and where.

Thank you for your support.

Using your JSON on top and ignoring your code sample (there is no records in it, so it’s not what exactly you are using):

{{/* $dataJ is your complete JSON from above */}}
{{ $dataJ := getJSON "url" }}
{{ range $idx, $item := (sort $dataJ.records ".createdTime" "desc") }}
  {{ $idx }} is an integer from 0 to x-1 of count(records)<br/>
  {{ range $item }}
    ID: {{.id}}<br/>
    fields: {{.fields}}<br />
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

something like that, not tested.

edit: I had to fix some missing brackets and wrong variable names in the code.

Thank you. I solved it.

My JSON (Airtable JSON) works only with a double range: {{ range dataJ }} with an inner generic {{ range . }}

So, If I use this code works:

{{ range $dataJ }}
{{ range $item := (sort . ".createdTime" “desc”) }}
    Id: {{ .fields.Id }}<br/>
   Title: {{.fields.Title}}<br />
{{ end }}
{{ end }}