Output Nested JSON

I’m trying to use hugo to output data that i get from external API call.

I want to have an output as follow:

       "157": "CATALOGUE CADEAUX", 
                    "2": "Accueil",
                    "219": "Vente"}

at the moment i cannot do this using this code:

    {{ $cats :=  getJSON $mainUrl $id "?io_format=JSON" }}
    {{ $finalcats := (dict $id $cats.category.name) }}
    {{ range $cats.category.associations.categories }}
          {{ $subcats :=  getJSON $mainUrl .id "?io_format=JSON" }}
          {{ $strId := printf "%d" (int $subcats.category.id)}}
          {{ $finalcats = merge $finalcats (dict $strId $subcats.category.name) }}
    {{ end }}
    {{ $finalcats|jsonify (dict "prefix" " " "indent" "  ")}}

That outputs:

   "2": "Accueil",
   "219": "Vente"

Any one can help please?

You need to show the input JSON -the one that you are fetching with getJSON- otherwise it is not possible to answer your question.

Hi, thank you for response.
Here is a sample of a JSON describing a category

    "category": {
        "id": 2,
        "id_parent": "1",
        "level_depth": "1",
        "nb_products_recursive": "4436",
        "active": "1",
        "id_shop_default": "1",
        "is_root_category": "1",
        "position": "1",
        "date_add": "2013-08-04 13:37:03",
        "date_upd": "2016-10-03 13:23:31",
        "name": "Accueil",
        "link_rewrite": "home",
        "description": null,
        "meta_title": null,
        "meta_description": null,
        "meta_keywords": null,
        "associations": {
            "categories": [
                    "id": "4"
                    "id": "3"
                    "id": "43"
                    "id": "6"
                    "id": "8"
                    "id": "219"
                    "id": "157"
                    "id": "229"
                    "id": "250"
                    "id": "251"
                    "id": "252"
                    "id": "253"
                    "id": "254"
                    "id": "255"


You do not need to fetch the remote JSON again when within the scope of
range $cats.category.associations.categories

You need to construct your template to output what you need by referencing the remote keys and their values within the desired subcategories output. Something like:

 "id": {{ $strId }}

And so on…

Also for a generic article about building an API with Hugo have a look at:

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