AirSpace Theme - Portfolio Sub Image Issue
I am having trouble finding information on Google about Hugo, yml etc to solve my problem.
So thought I would ask on Hugo Discourse.
Issue Information
This AirSpace template using image categorys to show off work portfolios.
Example of default results
Example of default finished results on localhost:1313
Example of default code to edit existing images
To configure the images portfolios you must edit the work.yml file under data folder.
You should see example code like this:
- category: Brand
url: "#"
image: "/img/portfolio/work1.jpg"
name: Test
description: >
Labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
- category: Websites
url: "#"
image: "/img/portfolio/work1.jpg"
name: Title 2
description: >
- category: Graphics
image: "/img/portfolio/work2.jpg"
url: "#"
name: Title 2
description: >
Labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
- category: Branding
url: "#"
image: "/img/portfolio/work3.jpg"
name: Title 2
description: >
Labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
Editing Code - Adding Category
So I can add additional category by copying the existing code and just changing the category name.
- category: new Category
url: "#"
image: "/img/portfolio/NEW-IMAGE.jpg"
name: New Title
description: >
Explain the work shown in image.
Editing Code - Second Image Within Category Issue
The issue I have is I want to be able to add an additional image to existing Category.
I have tried to add a new image with existing Category name. This keeps the images within the same Category but shows two Categorys in the menu provided by the theme.
Code Example
- category: Graphics
image: "/img/portfolio/work2.jpg"
url: "#"
name: Title 2
description: >
Labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
- category: Graphics
image: "/img/portfolio/work1.jpg"
url: "#"
name: Title 2
description: >
Labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
I must be misunderstanding how yml works to get a second image within one category.
I think it is possible because I reviewed demos working that have been provided by ThemeFisher.
I think it just my yml code knowledge letting me down but I have not found anything online regarding yml to resolve my issue.
My Goal
I am a beginner so sorry for anything I might say that incorrect.
Any help would be appreciated or pointing me in the right direction would be great.
I would provided more information but because I have only signed up with Hugo forum today, I am restricted for security reasons.
I would added more gifs, links and images.
Please ask any question you want if you require more information and I do my best to answer.
Thanks for reading this support issue.