Admonitions only through themes?

I searched/read forum results and did a site search of Hugo’s website for admonitions. I also referenced the commonmark reference and specs.

Am I correct that admonition support comes from the theme and changing themes could break admonitions?

I am documenting what we need to address in our asciidoc formatted documents to convert to markdown. If anyone is interested, there is a short summary.

So far I’m trying to find solutions to: admonitions, section titles, tables (more advanced), and definition lists.

Thank you.


Create admonitions in markdown with shortcodes, code block render hooks, or markdown attributes.

Admonitions can be inserted through a shortcode, this way:

Dark mode is not supported so far

I’ve previously used custom CSS and inline HTML, but this can be adapted to use with Markdown attibutes, here are some old notes: