Add a "file template" wrapper to highlight, but blank line in codes break the code block

HI, all,

I want to add a file wrapper over the highlight like following in markdown, do not known why codes was splited by the blank line inside.

Here is the screenshot link

Here is my markdown

* config
    {{% file “~/.tmux.conf" %}}
    {{< highlight bash >}}`
    set-option -g prefix C-w
    unbind-key C-w
    bind-key C-w send-prefix
   {{< /highligh t>}}
   {{% /file %}}.

But If removed the blank space in front of {{% file … %}} in following codes, it works well. I would like to make it work in the above codes sometimes. Any idea or other solution?

* config

{{% file “~/.tmux.conf" %}}
{{< highlight bash >}}`
set-option -g prefix C-w
unbind-key C-w
bind-key C-w send-prefix
{{< /highligh t>}}
{{% /file %}}.

my shortcodesl/file.html:

<div class="file" >{{ $filename := default "" (.Get 0) }}
<div class="filename"> Filename: <b>{{$filename}}</b>
</div>{{ .Inner | markdownify }}</div>

my .file part  in main.scss
.file {
     padding: 0 0 0 0;
     margin: 0 0 0 0;
     border: 1px solid green;
     background-color: grey;
     display: block;
