I have a bunch of docs that I wrote using the PHP Markdown Extra flavor of Markdown and I used abbreviations in almost all these docs. For example, here are the abbreviations at the bottom of a random one of these docs:
*[DM]: direct message
*[IRL]: in real life
In Hugo I prefer to use the Mmark flavor of Markdown and according to Mmark’s Syntax doc, abbreviations are supported. Unfortunately, abbreviations are not yet(*) supported in Hugo’s Mmark engine. This is a known issue as discussed in:
- https://discuss.gohugo.io/t/the-abbreviations-mmark-does-not-work-in-the-hugo/2867
- https://github.com/spf13/hugo/issues/1970
- https://github.com/miekg/mmark/issues/60
The 1st link above was CLOSED NOV 14, '16 so I’m creating a new topic to find out what the latest is on this and to ping @anthonyfok who I hope is still planning to implement this!
(*): Hugo version 18.1