A page in .Site.Sections?

weird thing is - “hugo server” shows the right result while giving the error…build fails.

Answering my own question here - multi-lingual got me again.
The below works:

{{ with .Site.GetPage "page" "testimonials" }}
   {{ range .Resources.Match "*" }}
     <p class="pace-lead "> {{ .Params.emotion }}</p>
     <p class="mb-0"><strong>{{ .Params.emotionAuthor }} </strong></p>
     <p><strong>{{ .Params.emotionHotel }} </strong></p>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

What I’m still really unclear about is how how I can include image processing inside the .md resources inside a headless bundle…would love some advice!

In other words - calling image resize for an image inside the headless bundle - from an md file inside the bundle.

The answer is shortcodes, but you kind of have to know the API to get it right.

.Page.Parent.Resources.Match …

But you would probably want the shortcode to be more portable.

So maybe:

if eq .Page.BundleType “leaf”
else if .Page.Parent …

Something like that