Hi, im new to Hugo. Ive setup a clean Hugo project, with one Blog entry, as described in the Hugo QuickStart manual.
I created a blog entry bundle, like so:
And a simple Shortcode:
{{ $images := .Resources.Match "images/carousel/*" }}
{{ range $images }}
<img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" alt="" class="img-fluid pb-3">
{{ end }}
I use the Shortcode in the blog post index.md, like so
{{< test >}}
My idea was to show the pictures in the subdirectory of the bundle.
Running that stuff, I get an Error:
"test": failed to process shortcode: "/layouts/shortcodes/test.html:1:24": execute of template failed at <.Resources.Match>: can’t evaluate field Resources in type *hugolib.ShortcodeWithPage
It does not matter where the images are located (in the root directory of the bundle, in the ‘images’ directory, or in the subdirectory as specified above. The result is always the same. It seems that it does not know the .Resources object at all.
I have looked at many examples where similar code ran. Why doesn’t it work in my case? Any Ideas welcome.
Okay, that fixed it for me. Great! I’ve looked at a lot of code, and often just .Resources.Match is used, and seems to work. In what context is this used? Where is the difference?
Each template receives context (the dot). You can think of context as an object with values/methods. The context varies by template type, page kind, content, etc.