A page in .Site.Sections?

My Hugo version is v0.40 darwin/amd64.

I am using hugo on a company project so I cannot point you to a repo.

I am trying to recreate this for my project:

The section I want to access is


When I try to access the section with:

    {{ $page := . }}
    {{ with .Site.GetPage "section" "images" }}
      {{ with .Resources.GetByPrefix $page.Params.imagename }}
        {{ $image200x := (.Resize "200x") }}
        {{ $image400x := (.Resize "400x") }}
        <img src="{{ $image200x.RelPermalink }}">
        <img src="{{ $image400x.RelPermalink }}">
        <br />
      {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

I also get

executing "main" at <.Resources.GetByPref...>: can't evaluate field Resources in type *hugolib.Page

That is why I tried to understand my mistake by looping through all sections expecting them to contain at least an empty array of resources, but apartenly I understood something wrong there.