Werker seems to be the service used by most people to deploy on Github pages.
I started to write a service that will specialize on deploying hugo sites to Github pages. It can register a webhook to github to listen on pushes and when code is pushed to a special branch say hugo-pages it will clone and build the site and push the public folder to gh-pages branch. So it will be just like using Github pages with Jekyll. And can be added to a Github project with few clicks.
People use Werker because there’s a tutorial for it in the Hugo docs. I’m sure that if you make a good step by step tutorial, and an easy to use/configure script, @spf13 would be interested (I’d add, as long as it’s free).
Got it. Will add a step by step guide once I deploy the service. And a helpful readme to the repo incase someone is interested in running a server. Of course it is free