Working with {{ range }} iterator

So I want three separate loops for my posts … One to return the first two posts… other to return the third and fourth … and last to return the last two . I know the last two are the following code
{{ range first 2 $paginator.Pages }}
and the last one is
{{ range last 2 $paginator.Pages }}
{{ range after 4 $paginator.Pages }}

What about the in-between pages? the following returns an error:
{{ range first 2 after 2 $paginator.Pages }}

{{ range last 2 (first 4 $paginator.Pages) }}
{{ $posts := (where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "==" "posts") }}
{{ $postCount := len $posts }}  

<!-- {/* list only the FIRST 2 items */}  -->
{{ range first 2 $posts }}
    {{- partial "_posts.html" . }}

{{ end }}

<!-- {/* list all BETWEEN 2 and the (total - 2) */} -->
{{ range after 2 (first (sub $postCount 2) $posts) }}
    {{- partial "_posts.html" . }}

{{ end }}

<!-- {/* list only the LAST 2 items */} -->
{{ range last 2 $posts }}
    {{- partial "_posts.html" . }}
{{ end }}

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