Work-around for making pages from data?

Ha! Thanks so much for that @bep :+1:

I wouldn’t have thought of using Hugo environment variables this way!


Here is a working example based on the code snippets given in this excellent topic: [Solved] CSV data key lookup

Contents of /data/abc.csv

id, description, color, number, cat, image
110, blue pearl, blue, 10, pearls, bpearl.jpg
111, green pearl, green, 12, pearls, gpearl.jpg
112, orange peel, orange, 19, fruit, opeel.jpg

Contents of archetype under /archetypes/

{{- range $i, $r := getCSV "," "data/abc.csv" -}}
{{- $id := index $r 0 -}}
{{- if eq (getenv "HUGO_TITLE") $id }}
title: "{{ index $r 0 | title }}"
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}

Basically withe the above we are telling Hugo to create a markdown file only if the environment variable value equals one of the values of the first column cells of the CSV.

And here is the way to create separate markdown files from a CSV with Hugo only:

Just paste the entire list of commands in the terminal and Hugo will magically create the separate files (you will only need to press ENTER for the last file:

env HUGO_TITLE="110" hugo new "post/"
env HUGO_TITLE="111" hugo new "post/"
env HUGO_TITLE="112" hugo new "post/"

Enjoy! :tada:

P.S. Of course you could do something similar with a JSON.