Why IsMenuCurrent and HasMenuCurrent need two arguments?

We already range through the menu, why do both arguments need to mention the menu name again instead of relying on the dot for context?

That’s a good question. Each menu entry has a .Menu method, so it knows to which menu object it belongs. These two are, as far as I can tell, equivalent:

{{ $currentPage := . }}
{{ range site.Menus.main }}
  {{ $currentPage.IsMenuCurrent .Menu . }}  --> returns true/false
{{ end }}
{{ $currentPage := . }}
{{ range site.Menus.main }}
  {{ $currentPage.Eq .Page }}  --> returns true/false
{{ end }}

This is brilliant! I have been doing it like below requiring mentioning the menu again, hence my question (and again the versatility of Hugo)

{{ $currentPage := . }}
{{ range site.Menus.main }}
  {{ $currentPage.IsMenuCurrent "main" . }} 
{{ end }}

Yeah, definitely cleaner. This is used in both the example in the documentation, and in the partial when creating a skeleton theme (e.g., hugo new theme foo or hugo new theme foo --themesDir .).

I adopted this in my menu recently though the Issue I had is it required duplicating the Tailwind classes I used for the dict part since the styles were not applied in the three states (see below).

{{- define "partials/inline/menu/walk.html" }}
  {{- $page := .page }}
  {{- range .menuEntries }}
    {{- $attrs := dict "href" .URL }}
    {{- if $page.IsMenuCurrent .Menu . }}
      {{- $attrs = merge $attrs (dict "class" "text-md bg-blue-450 dark:bg-blue-650 relative block cursor-pointer font-bold text-white md:border-r md:border-r-white/[.1] md:px-5" "aria-current"  (i18n "aria-current")) }}
    {{- else if $page.HasMenuCurrent .Menu .}}
      {{- $attrs = merge $attrs (dict "class" "text-md bg-blue-450 dark:bg-blue-650 relative block cursor-pointer font-bold text-white md:border-r md:border-r-white/[.1] md:px-5" "aria-current" "true") }}
      {{- else }}
      {{- $attrs = merge $attrs (dict "class" "text-md hover:bg-blue-450 relative block cursor-pointer font-bold text-slate-200 transition-all delay-0 duration-300 ease-out hover:text-white dark:text-slate-300 md:border-r md:border-r-white/[.1] md:px-5") }}
    {{- end }}

Use a var instead of string for the duplicated classes.

Awesome! I added the else part to style the menu in its default state. Otherwise only the other two were styled. Adding the styles to the anchor element overrides the dict values.

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