Hey guys, when I started using Hugo (ver 0.15) we had the old school method of creating multilingual sites described here https://gohugo.io/tutorials/create-a-multilingual-site/ and using several config.toml-files and now we have the, uhm, “new school” style of creating them with Languages in config.toml.
Which would you recommend if the different languages have severely different content and all language related content should be accessible from their own subfolders content/en, content/de, content/fr – As well as accessible through site.com/en, site.com/de, site.com/fr?
The “old school” was a hack, and missed lots of obvious features (links to translated content etc.). Not sure why you would not want to use the builtin. But up to you.
Hey @bep just seemed from my understanding (which is probably incorrect) the now built in multilingual support was geared more towards a site with less deviations between languages.
Also, it would be awesome if someone could write up a guide outlining how the config.toml (or yaml or json) file should be structured for serving content from content/en, content/fr and generating it on site.com/en and site.com/fr – I know I’m not alone in this.
I’ve looked through a lot of questions on Multilingual Mode, and the guide here is too thin https://gohugo.io/content/multilingual/. For example, it clearly points to config.toml, but the code in the guide isn’t for toml. The correct code for .toml should (unless I’m mistaken) be:
weight = "1"
title = "My blog"...
Just saying, I’ll hack it out. But it’s not very friendly for beginners. Anyways. If I duke it out in the coming days I’ll write it up.
Don’t mean to disrespect, I know you are a key developer behind both Hugo and this feature, for which I’m eternally grateful
But your level of understanding is also way above us noobs.
Anyway, when I crack what I’m aiming for, I’ll write out “Multilingual Hugo Sites for dummies” in a new thread and link from here.