Where is an image located when using . | absURL?

I’m using the schema partial below, and using a Schema markup checker, I get errors on a missing logo and image. These two sections in the overall code appear to be for loading the image and the logo:

 {{ with $.Param "image" -}}
    "image" : {{ . | absURL }},


{{ with $.Param "icon" -}}
      "logo" : {
        "@type": "ImageObject",
        "url": {{ . | absURL }}

My questions is: where do I put the image and logo that are being called? I’ve tried putting the mages in both /static/ and /static/img/ and the partial doesn’t find them.

Full code in partial:

<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "https://schema.org",
    {{ if .IsPage -}}
    "@type": {{ if or (eq .Section "blog") (eq .Section "post") }}"BlogPosting"{{ else }}"WebPage"{{ end }},
    "headline": {{ .Title }},
    "datePublished": {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }},
    "dateModified": {{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }},
    "url" : {{ .Permalink }},
    "description": {{ with (.Description | default (replaceRE "\n" " " (.Summary | truncate 170))) }}{{ . }}{{ end }},
    {{ with .Params.tags -}}
    "keywords": {{ . }},
    {{ end -}}
    {{ else -}}
    "@type": "WebPage",
    "url" : {{ .Permalink }},
    "name": {{ .Title }},
    {{ with $.Param "description" -}}
    "description": {{ . }},
    {{ end -}}
    {{ end -}}
    {{ with $.Param "image" -}}
    "image" : {{ . | absURL }},
    {{ end -}}
    {{ with $.Param "authors" -}}
    "author": {
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": {{ . }}
    {{ end -}}
    "mainEntityOfPage": {
      "@type": "WebPage",
      "@id": {{ .Site.BaseURL }}
    "publisher": {
      "@type": "Organization",
      "name": {{ .Site.Title  }},
      {{ with $.Param "icon" -}}
      "logo" : {
        "@type": "ImageObject",
        "url": {{ . | absURL }}
      {{ end -}}
      "url": {{ .Site.BaseURL }}

Hi there,

Please follow the recommendations on Requesting Help especially around including site code. The snippets are not enough for us to be able to help you.

For this in the partial

{{ with $.Param “image” -}}
“image” : {{ . | absURL }},

use this in config.toml

image = “og-image.png”

for the image og-image.png in /static/

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