indeed that’s user supplied text in the .Inner of the Shortcode - but if that’s the use case the purpose of the shortcode. usage of safeHTML there states he trusts.
p.s. there’s no hardcoded slice inside … but variable text in the shortcode
{{< article> >}}
this is article one
this is article two
{{< /article >}
— and rethinking
I doubt our OP really wants to have real HTML within the .Inner of the Shortcode but maybe Markdown, so I would change the stuff to:
- markdown
# My Articles
{{< article >}}
## Article One
and a paragraph
## Article Two
- some
- list
- items
{{< /article >}}
- article.html
{{ range $index,$content := split .InnerDeindent "<--->" }}
{{ if lt $index 2 }}
<article class="{{ if eq $index 0 }}first-text{{ else }}second-text{{ end }}">
{{ $content | $.Page.RenderString }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}