What's a reasonable generation time?


I generate sites with a lot of tables, and I find it a little bit slow to generate:

^C[jb@localhost website]$ hugo --templateMetrics
Start building sites … 
hugo v0.101.0+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=unknown

Template Metrics:

     cumulative       average       maximum         
       duration      duration      duration  count  template
     ----------      --------      --------  -----  --------
  17m19.500708831s  282.242929ms  2.270403458s   3683  partials/head.html
  16m12.347736008s  286.912875ms  2.272918188s   3389  _default/single.html
  1m1.428004769s  238.093041ms  429.822461ms    258  territories/term.html
   3.281109666s      17.567µs   44.089726ms  186776  _internal/shortcodes/ref.html
    2.87234186s  261.121987ms  324.613851ms     11  _default/list_packages.html
   2.778367884s  252.578898ms  349.032017ms     11  _default/list_languages.html
   2.696718097s   245.15619ms  368.245192ms     11  _default/release.html
   787.941776ms      213.94µs   21.165335ms   3683  partials/footer.html
   484.999657ms     131.757µs   28.326031ms   3681  partials/breadcrumb.html
   299.981285ms    1.023826ms   60.076021ms    293  _internal/_default/rss.xml
   235.470508ms      63.934µs      22.285ms   3683  partials/nav.html
   221.143155ms       60.06µs    5.285598ms   3682  partials/header.html
    175.73944ms      47.716µs    5.091332ms   3683  partials/head_custom.html
    73.239344ms   73.239344ms   73.239344ms      1  territories/list.html
     71.06029ms      19.871µs    4.640618ms   3576  shortcodes/resource.html
    43.688333ms   43.688333ms   43.688333ms      1  _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
     3.940148ms       1.069µs     122.843µs   3683  partials/footer_custom.html
      837.897µs     837.897µs     837.897µs      1  index.html
      337.724µs     337.724µs     337.724µs      1  404.html
      120.328µs      60.164µs     104.463µs      2  partials/page_meta.html

                   |  EN   
  Pages            | 3976  
  Paginator pages  |    0  
  Non-page files   |    0  
  Static files     | 3681  
  Processed images |    0  
  Aliases          |    0  
  Sitemaps         |    1  
  Cleaned          |    0  

Total in 132298 ms

when I investigate partials/head.html, I understood it used scratch to guess/adapt description/title depending on where we are on the site.
I removed this and see the impact: 640.929519ms 173.976µs 13.200765ms 3684 partials/head.html
but global time is not that different, I only saved 10 seconds Total in 123739 ms

then I looked at _default/single.html:

{{ define "main" }}
<div class="container" role="main">
  <div class="row">
      <div class="col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1">
          {{ partial "breadcrumb.html" . }}
    <div class="col-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1">
      <article role="main" class="blog-post">
          {{ if .Params.territories }}
            <div class="blog-tags">
            Spoken in these territories:
            {{ range .Params.territories }}
            <a href="{{ $.Site.LanguagePrefix | absURL }}/territories/{{ . | urlize }}/">{{ . }}</a>&nbsp;
            {{ end }}
            {{ end }}
          {{ .Content }}

      {{ if ne .Type "page" }}
        <ul class="pager blog-pager">
          {{ if .PrevInSection }}
            <li class="previous">
              <a href="{{ .PrevInSection.Permalink }}" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="{{ .PrevInSection.Title }}">&larr; {{ "previousPost" }}</a>
          {{ end }}
          {{ if .NextInSection }}
            <li class="next">
              <a href="{{ .NextInSection.Permalink }}" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="{{ .NextInSection.Title }}">{{ "nextPost" }} &rarr;</a>
          {{ end }}
      {{ end }}

{{ end }}

Caching {{ if .Params.territories }} had no significant impact.
Caching {{ if ne .Type "page" }} had no significant impact.

So, I decided to move the content in a partial and get this:

[jb@localhost website]$ hugo --templateMetrics
Start building sites … 
hugo v0.101.0+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=unknown

Template Metrics:

     cumulative       average       maximum         
       duration      duration      duration  count  template
     ----------      --------      --------  -----  --------
  14m27.779099304s  256.057568ms   1.97192383s   3389  _default/single.html
  14m24.889846979s   255.20503ms  1.968510371s   3389  partials/single_content.html
  56.071804807s  216.493454ms  233.423006ms    259  territories/term.html
   3.049971629s   10.374053ms  865.049394ms    294  _internal/_default/rss.xml
   2.782301896s      14.896µs    58.81876ms  186776  _internal/shortcodes/ref.html
   2.434604987s  221.327726ms  261.938264ms     11  _default/list_packages.html
   2.415015047s  219.546822ms  224.374233ms     11  _default/list_languages.html
   2.390850902s  217.350082ms   222.39913ms     11  _default/release.html
   832.809522ms     226.061µs     18.3181ms   3684  partials/footer.html
   640.929519ms     173.976µs   13.200765ms   3684  partials/head.html
    465.80366ms     126.508µs   38.723489ms   3682  partials/breadcrumb.html
   205.405175ms      55.771µs     448.163µs   3683  partials/header.html
   187.013134ms      50.763µs     4.57891ms   3684  partials/nav.html
   182.711235ms      49.595µs    3.785459ms   3684  partials/head_custom.html
    72.418827ms   72.418827ms   72.418827ms      1  territories/list.html
    64.812607ms      18.124µs    2.675749ms   3576  shortcodes/resource.html
    47.196036ms   47.196036ms   47.196036ms      1  _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
     21.75112ms       6.418µs    2.617864ms   3389  partials/territories.html
     4.358623ms       1.183µs      58.183µs   3684  partials/footer_custom.html
      862.657µs     862.657µs     862.657µs      1  index.html
      329.187µs     329.187µs     329.187µs      1  404.html
      132.076µs      66.038µs     115.424µs      2  partials/page_meta.html

                   |  EN   
  Pages            | 3978  
  Paginator pages  |    0  
  Non-page files   |    0  
  Static files     | 3681  
  Processed images |    0  
  Aliases          |    0  
  Sitemaps         |    1  
  Cleaned          |    0  

Total in 118329 ms

So, does it mean it simply takes time to generate all the content?

Try hugo --templateMetrics --templateMetricsHints. More pages/image processing increases build time, but there are ways to reduce the build. e.g caching resources or using partialCached for partials where necessary.