What is the best Open Source CMS for HUGO?

StackEdit.io is an open-source and web-based Markdown editor.

I was able to edit Markdown files with a WYSIWYG + live Preview and commit quite easily to a Gitlab repo.

New files can be created from StackEdit from a customizable template.

Major drawbacks:

Here are my notes about the Setup in Gitlab (Github support is broken and requires the use of a tricky workaround):

Create a new App in Gitlab → Profile → Applications: https://gitlab.com/-/profile/applications

Here is the “scope” of a functionnal setup:

 Callback URL 	
Confidential 	No

    api (Access the authenticated user's API)
    read_user (Read the authenticated user's personal information)
    read_api (Read Api)
    read_repository (Allows read-only access to the repository)
    write_repository (Allows read-write access to the repository)
    openid (Authenticate using OpenID Connect)
    profile (Allows read-only access to the user's personal information using OpenID Connect)

In StackEdit, select “Manage Workspaces” to see and edit a whole Folder and his content

This is a project I would love to see revived!

Two things I’m thinking about (but will probably have no time to make real):

  • Get in touch with the dev of StackEdit Pro and ask him to release the source-code of his improvements in case he wants to give up this project.
  • Convince the lovely folks at Netlify to invest a part of their fund dedicated to the Jamstack in StackEdit