I want to use Htlm file instead of .md file. When I edit the HTML file and run the server, Html file code is disapear. Is there any way to use direct Html instead of Markdown file.
I see the @ecarlisletopic but I don’t understand it correctly. I tried a lot of things but it doesn’t work correctly. If I will use
Hi @Caesium. We need more to go to help you. Please read Requesting Help and share your project with your code. Most of the time we figure it out pretty quickly.
Yes, you can use inline styles with <style> or the style= attribute (see @brunoamaral’s example) for (individuall/page-specific) CSS, but styling is usually done in the HTML files located in layouts/… and with CSS files located in the assets folder.
Yes, you can also use HTML in .md files. For HTML-only files I prefer .html files so that indentation is not interpreted by the Markdown processor. Again, see @brunoamaral’s example.