I’m looking for a concise way of putting different HTML tags in a template, based on the page it’s rendered on.
{{ $tag := cond .IsHome "h1" "h2" }}
<{{ $tag }}><a href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}">{{ .Site.Title }}</a></{{ $tag }}>
The above conditional works, but the output of $tag
is escaped, including the preceding <
tags, turning it into:
<h2><a href="...">...</a></h2>
Is there a better, clean way to do it? Or a way to prevent Go template from escaping the <
Have you tried using safeHTML
November 1, 2018, 7:21pm
Untested, but try piping your tag(s) to safeHTML
or htmlEscape
Neither {{ $tag | htmlEscape }}
nor {{ $tag | safeHTML }}
make any difference
November 1, 2018, 8:02pm
What about {{ printf "<%s>" $tag | safeHTML }}
1 Like
No, still not there. <{{ printf "%s" $tag | safeHTML }}>
also outputs <h2>
, and putting the whole tag inside printf
, ie. {{ printf "<%s class="...">" $tag | safeHTML }}
causes errors. Plus, readability suffers and it’s quite wordy
November 1, 2018, 8:25pm
As a test, the following works fine for me locally. You likely got an error because you didn’t escape the quotes
{{ $tag := "h1" }}
{{ printf "<%s class=\"some-class\">Hello World</%s>" $tag $tag | safeHTML }}
Update: Probably irrelevant, but just learned you can pass a single arg to printf
then use it multiple time with [1]
{{ printf "<%[1]s class=\"some-class\">Hello World</%[1]s>" $tag | safeHTML }}
The second version is interesting, thanks, though still not very readable Guess that’s a limitation of Go templates that cannot be easily overcome.
November 2, 2018, 6:09am
Would you rather “readable” or “working” ?
Out of the options that work, I usually choose the one that’s most readable, even at the cost of some efficiency or code duplication. My current best option, considering these priorities, is:
{{ if .IsHome }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
I was just hoping for something shorter.