I wonder if there is an easy way to use apply
to build an array of say the “.Title” of given pages or other parameter from an array of pages other than by creating a dedicated returning partial.
It seems that apply
could take any kind of “dynamic” parameter, but so far, I was only able to pass the dot as “.” as argument. For example:
{{ $tags := apply site.RegularPages "index" ".Params" "tags" }}
The above will not work, as index
will try and evaluate the sring “.Params” instead of the .Params
of the given entry.
But the following:
{{ $entries := slice
"name" "Peter"
"name" "John"
"name" "Harry"
{{ with apply $entries "index" "." "name" }}
{{ range . }}
{{ warnf "%#v" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Will work, as “.” is taken for what it is, a map.
Is there something I am missing? This might not seem critical, but we’re often in a position where we have to do more gymnastic to isolate the key of an entry like so which I would suspect might be resource costful for hundreds of entries:
{{ $entry_names := slice }}
{{ range .Pages }}
{{ $entry_names = $entry_names | append .Title }}
{{ end }}