Unable to retrieve subsection pages with GetPage in Hugo

This is a piece of working code.

{{ $wPosts := where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "advertisements" }}
{{ $w10 := first 10 $wPosts }}
{{ $wp01 := index $w10 3 }}

This is something not working

  {{ $wPosts := where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "advertisements/copies" }}
  {{ $w10 := first 10 $wPosts }}
  {{ $wp01 := index $w10 4 }}

How can I pull posts from a subfolder inside a section folder?

If the “/advertisements/copies/” directory contains an _index.md file:

{{ $p := (site.GetPage "/advertisements/copies").Pages }}

If the “/advertisements/copies/” directory does not contain an _index.md file:

{{ $p := where site.RegularPages "Path" "like" `^/advertisements/copies/` }}



Thank you so much for the help. You saved my day. Despite trying various AI tools like ChatGPT, Copilot, and Gemini, I never consulted the official documentation.

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