I have a customers website using Tailwind CSS.
In v0.125.5 running hugo server
works just fine.
In v0.125.6 running hugo server
fails with this error:
Error: error building site: TOCSS: failed to transform "/css/index.dev.1715136587582.css" (text/css): "css/index.dev.1715136587582.css:1085:25": Function rgb is missing argument $green.
I can’t look into that file because it’s a step somewhere in the middle of a pipeline… What would be your approach to debug this?
We don’t use rgb
in the codebase in general, so it might be related to Tailwind. I am not sure if I can post the SCSS (corporate website).
The pipeline in question is this:
{{- $twoptions := dict
"targetPath" "twtheme.css"
"enableSourceMap" "false"
"includePaths" (slice "node_modules/")
{{- if site.IsServer -}}
{{- $twoptions = $twoptions | merge (dict "outputStyle" "expanded") -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $twoptions = $twoptions | merge (dict "outputStyle" "compressed") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $tailwind := resources.Get "scss/theme.scss" -}}
{{- $tailwind = $tailwind | resources.ToCSS $twoptions -}}
{{- $tailwind = $tailwind | resources.PostCSS (dict "config" "themes/wonderland/postcss.config.js") -}}
{{- if site.IsServer -}}
{{- $tailwind = $tailwind | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate (printf "css/index.dev.%v.css" now.UnixMilli) . -}}
{{- $tailwind = $tailwind | resources.PostProcess -}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{- $tailwind.Permalink -}}">
{{- else -}}
{{- $tailwind := $tailwind | minify | fingerprint | resources.PostProcess -}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{- $tailwind.Permalink -}}" integrity="{{- $tailwind.Data.Integrity -}}">
{{- end -}}