Templating code outside "layouts" [solved]

Can you tell me if executing templating code outside the layouts folder, for instance in a bundle resource, is possible or impossible ?
This template (which otherwise works) doesn’t do it, the page appears but golang is plain text. I surmise that what I want is impossible but would like a confirmation.

{{ with .Resources.GetMatch "*.html" }}
  {{ .Content | $.Render }}
{{ end }}


See https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/resource-from-template/

But I can not pass the .Content of the same page like that. Or the page itself.

ok, what should I write in single.html so that to the following content file under content/docs/essai/ is rendered as if taken from assets:

type: standalone
title: essai

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>

Currently it’s {{. | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "content" . }}
but page.Page not supported in Resource transformations. why is this not working but {{ resources.Get "sass/template.scss" | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "main.scss" . }} is fine ?
.RawContent (string) is not accepted and Content (template.HTML) neither.
If had lots of exterior html pages to include, putting them under assets/ would need the directory structure duplicated so I would rather have them as content files.

I have no idea what you are trying to do. Maybe you should define the objective, and then we can figure out a way to get there.

Sorry, I didn’t express myself well.
What template can get this file be rendered as a html but with the goland code interpreted ?

I still have no idea what you are trying to do. Maybe someone can help.

damn, I must have learnt Chinese without noticing :rofl:
It’s simple. I have html files in my content directory, with a frontmatter. I want them to be published, but with the template code in it to be executed/rendered/whatever. Is it possible or not ?

There are a few ways to handle this:

  1. A template, specified by the layout field in front matter, that executes .RawContent as a template
  2. A shortcode that executes .Inner as a template
  3. An inline shortcode

It depends on whether or not you anticipate adding anything other than template code in the body of the page.

I think #2 is the most flexible and easy to use. Let me know which you prefer.

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I meant the option 1, yes. something must go in single.html but I don’t know what.


{{ with resources.FromString .File.Path .RawContent }}
  {{ with . | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate $.File.Path $.Page }}
    {{ .Content | safeHTML }}
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}


title: "Foo"
date: 2023-07-23T15:03:53-07:00
draft: false
layout: "render-content-as-template-code"

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>
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Ahahah, that’s the insane wizardry I expected. A very complicated code to a simple problem :rofl:. Thanks. Imho, you should put that in the site somewhere, in Single page templates | Hugo perhaps. Other people might find useful what are basically singe-use templates.

No, it’s not.

it wasn’t a criticism. it just wasn’t obvious that text or templateHTML etc are not considered “resources” because we don’t have access to a full map of internal types hugo utilize. nevermind. thanks !

Ok one last question, I tried with a mhtml file that I have, that chromium read correctly. hugo does more things than just process the templating code here, so the file gets mangled. I rename the extension to “html” then rename the output’s “mhtml”.

can I tell it to treat the file as plain text and not touch it at all beside the code ?
I wanna serve my archives or other pages and use hugo as a preprocessor of sort (beside my articles).

I don’t understand your question.

I have a series of mhtml files, a webarchive format. chromium (among other browsers) read it and use it to store web pages.
I want to serve them on my website. I could put them in static, but I need them as content files to write things, use templating code etc, the initial purpose of this thread.
But they’re mhtml, and so hugo ignore them… and when I change the extension to html, they become invalid with the message: Malformed multipart archive: *filename*
so is it possible to avoid touching the file at all except to expand the golang code ?

I’ll first try with custom mediatypes and outputs.

Sorry, but I’m not going to spend any time on this.

no problem. I’ve done it with custom output and mediatypes.

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