Template pointers

I may be out of my depth here, but…

I was looking over the memory profiler results of building the Hugo docs site and noticed that about 10% of the cumulative memory space is used by the return value of templateHandler.LookupVariant.

Would it be feasible to return a pointer here or do we need a new copy of the template each time?

$ go test -run=NONE -bench=. -benchmem -memprofile mem.prof -memprofilerate 1 .
$ go tool pprof hugo.test mem.prof
(pprof) tree
Showing nodes accounting for 297427.17kB, 46.15% of 644411.12kB total
Dropped 2282 nodes (cum <= 3222.05kB)
Showing top 80 nodes out of 280
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%   calls calls% + context
                                        63386.59kB 97.34% |   github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugolib.(*pageState).resolveTemplate
                                         1490.34kB  2.29% |   golang.org/x/sync/errgroup.(*Group).Go.func1
   77.03kB 0.012% 37.49% 65116.75kB 10.10%                | github.com/gohugoio/hugo/tpl/tplimpl.(*templateHandler).LookupLayout
                                        65039.72kB 99.88% |   github.com/gohugoio/hugo/tpl/tplimpl.(*templateHandler).findLayout

(pprof) list github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugolib.\(\*pageState\).resolveTemplate
Total: 629.31MB
ROUTINE ======================== github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugolib.(*pageState).resolveTemplate in /foo/src/github.com/gohugoio/hugo/worktrees/highlight-alloc/hugolib/page.go
         0    61.90MB (flat, cum)  9.84% of Total
         .          .    488:   if len(layouts) > 0 {
         .          .    489:           d.Layout = layouts[0]
         .          .    490:           d.LayoutOverride = true
         .          .    491:   }
         .          .    492:
         .    61.90MB    493:   return p.s.Tmpl().LookupLayout(d, f)
         .          .    494:}
         .          .    495:
         .          .    496:// This is serialized
         .          .    497:func (p *pageState) initOutputFormat(isRenderingSite bool, idx int) error {
         .          .    498:   if err := p.shiftToOutputFormat(isRenderingSite, idx); err != nil {

I think GitHub issues is a better platform for this.