Taxonomy (/tags/) displays all pages instead of just the tags after 0.48 to 0.69 update

Since I updated to latest version, I’ve had some issues.

I see the same pages in sections list pages as I do in tags, there doesn’t seem to be a difference. For example, /tags/salvia/ is only supposed to show 3 pages with the #salvia tag, but I’m getting all the pages somehow. I’m supposed to see only 3 pages listed here
For reference: The Salvia Vault - Using Psychedelics Daily for a happy & healthy life it shows the correct pages here in the list should only show pages from that section should only show pages from that section

But that is not what I’m getting. Same happens when you go to /psychedelics/* I expect to see only the pages in that section, but I see all the pages.

There’s probably something I have misunderstood.

Here is the repo: in the hugo-dev branch

I started Hugo when I barely understood it, so I ended up basically making all my changes in the /themes/ directory directly.

Please advise.

Update: Someone on IRC helped me out finding this: Page lists broken in various theme demos in 0.57.0 · Issue #678 · gohugoio/hugoThemes · GitHub

Perhaps this is causing me issues. Any insight?

I’ve set

	mainSections = ["blog", "psychedelics", "news"]

in my config.

Then I’ve added

{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections) }}

And now I get no pages in my list. :cry: I don’t get any errors, and a successful build, but no pages in the lists.

{{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Data.Pages "Type" "in" .Site.Params.mainSections) }}

After much trial and error, this seems to fix the tags.

I’ve read all the issues regarding this, as well as the forum post and etc. and I still don’t understand what all this means.

Fantastic. Things work as expected now. I just need to understand now that why is the switching to .Data.Pages from .Site.RegularPages etc.?

Could someone kindly shed light on this?

Thank you.

Have a read here for the differences between .Pages:

I understand the Page variables. I wonder why .Site.RegularPages doesn’t work (no results) and .Data.Pages does work, even though I’m not using the /data/ directory.

That part is confusing to me.

Also, the documentation page says to use site.Params.mainSections but I am aware that site vars begin with .Site.* so I’m unsure whether that was causing any issues or was a typo on the documentation.

Could you maybe tell me why .Data.Pages is giving me a result while .Site.RegularPages etc. does not?

Try these in your list.html template:

    {{ range .Site.RegularPages }}
    {{ end }}

    {{ range .Data.Pages }}
    {{ end }}

    {{ range .Pages }}
    {{ end }}

.Data.Pages and .Pages should return the same list of Pages because .Pages is an alias to .Data.Pages. That’s in the docs I link to above.

In this context, .Data[.Pages] has nothing to do with the /data folder in your project; the /data folder is in .Site.Data

site is the same as .Site:

So, if you have the below structure:

├── clouds
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── colors
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──

When you are in, you will have:



When you are in /tags/, you will have

    [same as above]

When you are in /tags/lorem/, you will get the pages with tag lorem:

    [same as above]
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