Tags, keywords, done good or... it appears between title/text but want to hide them


I have two websites, where config.toml looks like this :slight_smile:

baseURL = '/'
languageCode = 'fr-fr'
title = 'website title'
theme = "hello-friend"

changefreq = "monthly"
filename = "sitemap.xml"
priority = 0.5

  logoText = "websitetitle"
  logoHomeLink = "/"
  centerTheme = true

identifier = "principal"
name="1. Notre activité, nos offres"
weight = 1

and content/ index.md plus posts/principal.md looks like this:

title: "this page"
draft: false
type: "page"
layout: "simple-static"
framed : "true"
Description : "website desc"

Tags :
- abc
- def

keywords :
- abc
- def

and this looks like to be (perfectly) working, I guess (not sure, Im not SEO expert)

but on another one,

where index.md looks like:

title: "Offres et activités"
draft: false
type: "page"
layout: "simple-static"
framed : "true"
description : "desc"

and a content/posts/page.md looks like:

title: "Nos compétences"
draft: false
type: "page"
layout: "simple-static"
description : "website desc"

Tags :
- abc
- def

keywords :
- abc
- def

well, the tags appears like hashtag listed under the paragraph… like the screenshot… how could I avoid/hide those without deleting them?

thank you

Capture d’écran_2022-09-13_00-38-58

(please notice the keywords/tags are listed by little - likethis with a space between)

does the config.toml and pages.md are case sensitive regarding Caps at first letter?


Keywords : 
- something
Tags : 
- something

different than

keywords : 
- something 
tags : 
- somethingelse ?

thank yuo

First, I have edited all of your posts to make them legible. When pasting code, please wrap it with triple backticks. For example:

title: My Title

Second, what is your question?

okay, thank you
in a way, what is the right code?

```- first
```- second
```- first
```- second

..regarding Tags and Keywords in the .md files?

Please edit your post. It is still illegible. Hint: there’s a preview window on the right when you’re creating or editing a post.