I am using the theme Poison and I particularly liked their addition of tabs as shortcodes.
However, it seems that shortcut setup in this theme does not support Syntax Highlighting.
The shortcode syntax in this theme is this - poison/layouts/shortcodes/tab.html at 4b36ef57e6834471d946d634f9677971b5acc43e · lukeorth/poison · GitHub
I put the following code in my page, and while the tabs work, the syntax highlighting is not working.
{{< tabs tabTotal="2" >}}
{{% tab tabName="First Tab" %}}
### h3. This is markdown content - h3.
#### h4. This is markdown content - h4
{{% /tab %}}
{{< tab tabName="Second Tab" >}}
{{< highlight text >}}
private static void main() {
{{< /highlight >}}
{{< /tab >}}
{{< /tabs >}}
Just to make sure that Syntax Highlighting is working for my page, I also added the following code just after the tabs and the syntax highlighting is working with codefences.
private static void main(){
Attached are the screenshots -
Can somebody suggest how can I make this work?