Syntax Highlighter in Code Blocks

Looking for some syntax highlighting in the code blocks. I want to avoid the SyntaxHighlighter By Alex Gorbatchev, as I understand it’s unnecessary with hugo markdown, and anyway I didn’t see any brushes for elisp, and the ones I loaded didn’t work.

The bundled syntax highlighter is not working so far with my set-up. I have syntax.css loaded when the page loads, and pygmentsCodeFences = true in the config. Also have toggled on and off pygmentsUseClasses = true, doesn’t seem to make any difference. I am using ~~~ to define the code block rather than backticks, which works when hugo renders the site (except for the syntax highlighter).

Here’s sample code block before rendering that doesn’t work:

(use-package hydra
;:pin melpa-stable
(use-package use-package-hydra
;:pin melpa-stable
(use-package hydra-posframe
:load-path hydra-posframe-p
(require 'hydra-posframe)
'((left-fringe . 4) (right-fringe . 4) (height . 18) (width . 105) (min-height . 17) (max-height . 30) (top . 25)))
(hydra-posframe-border-face ((t (:background "#ffffff"))))
(hydra-posframe-face ((t (:background-color "#6272a4"))))
(after-init . hydra-posframe-enable)
);end use-package-hydra-posframe
);end use-package hydra
;Pretty Hydra
(use-package pretty-hydra
(require 'pretty-hydra)
);end use package pretty hyrda
;title generator
(require 's)
(require 'all-the-icons)
(with-eval-after-load 'all-the-icons
(declare-function all-the-icons-faicon 'all-the-icons)
(declare-function all-the-icons-fileicon 'all-the-icons)
(declare-function all-the-icons-material 'all-the-icons)
(declare-function all-the-icons-octicon 'all-the-icons)
;define an icon function with all-the-icons-faicon
;to use filecon, etc, define same function with icon set
 (defun with-faicon (icon str &rest height v-adjust)
    (s-concat (all-the-icons-faicon icon :v-adjust (or v-adjust 0) :height (or height 1)) " " str))
 (defun with-fileicon (icon str &rest height v-adjust)
    (s-concat (all-the-icons-fileicon icon :v-adjust (or v-adjust 0) :height (or height 1)) " " str))


After rendering the html reads as this:

<pre><code class="language-elisp">
(use-package hydra
;:pin melpa-stable
(use-package use-package-hydra
;:pin melpa-stable
(use-package hydra-posframe
:load-path hydra-posframe-p
(require 'hydra-posframe)
'((left-fringe . 4) (right-fringe . 4) (height . 18) (width . 105) (min-height . 17) (max-height . 30) (top . 25)))
(hydra-posframe-border-face ((t (:background &quot;#ffffff&quot;))))
(hydra-posframe-face ((t (:background-color &quot;#6272a4&quot;))))
(after-init . hydra-posframe-enable)
);end use-package-hydra-posframe
);end use-package hydra
;Pretty Hydra
(use-package pretty-hydra
(require 'pretty-hydra)
);end use package pretty hyrda
;title generator
(require 's)
(require 'all-the-icons)
(with-eval-after-load 'all-the-icons
(declare-function all-the-icons-faicon 'all-the-icons)
(declare-function all-the-icons-fileicon 'all-the-icons)
(declare-function all-the-icons-material 'all-the-icons)
(declare-function all-the-icons-octicon 'all-the-icons)
;define an icon function with all-the-icons-faicon
;to use filecon, etc, define same function with icon set
 (defun with-faicon (icon str &amp;rest height v-adjust)
    (s-concat (all-the-icons-faicon icon :v-adjust (or v-adjust 0) :height (or height 1)) &quot; &quot; str))
 (defun with-fileicon (icon str &amp;rest height v-adjust)
    (s-concat (all-the-icons-fileicon icon :v-adjust (or v-adjust 0) :height (or height 1)) &quot; &quot; str))


Looking at syntax.css there are a lot of classes, for example line numbers, .chroma .ln . Getting these working in the code blocks would be stellar.

Any tips here for a Hugo novice?

I’ve written on this in the past, maybe it’s helpful

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Thanks. Very helpful!

Put at first the syntax options under a list in the configuration file. Did not work until moved them to the main configuration section.


pygmentsOptions = "linenos=5"
pygmentsCodefences = true
pygmentsStyle = "pygments"


pygmentsOptions = "linenos=5"
pygmentsCodefences = true
pygmentsStyle = "pygments"

Problem: dark style code block background on white page background propogates out of code block.

It looks like chroma generates a table inside of a div with inline styling, inside of a div with class “highlight.” Deselecting background from{}, when the div with inline styling is selected (in
devtools), isolates the background to the code block with border-radius properties.

Any idea how to fix this?

Also, is there a way to localize the pygmentsStyle to the post frontmatter to have different code block styles for different posts?

Any wiz encountered this? Any tips?

Add some custom CSS to tweak Chroma’s styles.

Not that I know of.

Edit: On 2nd thought, you could generate a Chroma stylesheet for each style that you wanted. Then in your page front matter, have a param that specifies which stylesheet to use, then handle that switching logic in your template.

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Thanks. Good to know!