Summary strange behavior

Hi, thanks for all your replies
@Weru, my repo is public, it is here: funkydan2 told he could only download the zip and git clone failed for him. Have no clue why this, except maybe french accents? Just checked my github repo and didn’t found any special option that could prevent git clone to work. I use this repo only with push as I am the only user.
@zwbetz , I tried your netlify build command, still a blank summary on netlify
@funkydan2, you lucky guy with a mac, on my windows surface3 it takes more than 2 minutes to build the first time. I was full of hope reading your message, but deleting unused themes didn’t improve this on my computer, time didn’t drop to 10s or so, still 2 minutes of waiting. I have a lot of images, and static files, and I think hugo could optimize this if there was an option not to update any static file that he already processed to the output directory (resized images especially), when using hugo server command. I posted something about this problem on this forum. Could you reply there what command you did to drop down build time, especially the command you used (hugo or hugo server ?)
Thanks a lot, and still hoping to find a way to display a correct summary on netlify