String join in partial

How can obtain correct string in ?

I want “image” in partial markup-article-html but this:

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context" : "",
  "@type" : "Article",
  {{ with .Page.Title }} "name" : "{{ . }}", {{ end }}

  {{ if .Page.Params.featured_image }}
  {{- $img := (printf "%s%s" .Page.Permalink .Page.Params.featured_image) | string -}}
  "image" : "{{ $img -}}", {{- end }}

  "image" : "{{- .Page.Permalink -}}{{- .Page.Params.featured_image -}}",
  "image" : "https://test/test.webp",

render as

  "image" : "http:\/\/\/iscrizione\/logo-il-mosaico.webp",

  "image" : "http:\/\/\/iscrizione\/logo-il-mosaico-danza-asd-culturale.webp",

  "image" : "https://test/test.webp",

First two render wrong, test is OK. How to obtain correct string?

Unless I’m missing something, the first two are not wrong. The slashes are simply escaped.

@jmooring Yes, but i need unescaped string in page. How to do this?

I suspect you will get a much easier life making jsonify handle the JSON encoding:

{{ $mainEntityOfPage := dict "@type" "WebPage" "@id" .Permalink }}

{{ $schema := dict
  "@context" ""
  "@type" "NewsArticle"
  "mainEntityOfPage" $mainEntityOfPage
  "headline" .Title
  "image" $img.Permalink
  "datePublished" .PublishDate
  "dateModified" .Lastmod


{{ $script := printf `<script type="application/ld+json">%s%s%s</script>` "\n\t" ($schema | jsonify ) "\n" }}
{{ $script | safeHTML }}

@bep thank you very much for your help. Pointing me on right direction to obtain complete code I need and showing much things :heart_eyes:

Share my actual markup-article.html:

{{ $img := (printf "%s%s" .Page.Permalink .Page.Params.featured_image) | string }}
{{ $author := dict "@type" "Person" "name" .Page.Params.Author "givenName" .Page.Params.Author "url" "" }}
{{ $mainEntityOfPage := dict "@type" "WebPage" "@id" .Permalink }}

{{ $schema := dict
  "@context" ""
  "@type" "Article"
  "mainEntityOfPage" $mainEntityOfPage
  "headline" .Title
  "image" $img
  "datePublished" .PublishDate
  "dateModified" .Lastmod
  "author" $author

{{ $script := printf `<script type="application/ld+json">%s%s%s</script>` "\n\t" ($schema | jsonify ) "\n" }}
{{ $script | safeHTML }}
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