Static pages which aren't rendered, or data pages that aren't json/toml/yaml

Wow I should’ve tested assets out before making this post — it works and my site generates in ~12% of the time it used to. I’ll update with the structure of my project and what’s going on.

I previously posted about my weird site here: Complex use of taxonomy or subpage generation?

My project is structured as follows:

  • content
    • entries
    • theories
  • assets
    • theories

Each theory in the content directory has it’s URL set to entries/%s/theories in the frontmatter so that the theories of any entry can be found at the standard subdirectory.

In layouts/theories/single.html I have the following:

{{- define "main" -}}
{{- $site := . -}}
  {{ $file := printf "assets/theories/%s.html" $site.File.TranslationBaseName}}
  {{ if fileExists $file -}}
    {{ readFile $file | safeHTML }}
  {{- end }}

{{- end -}}

Which inserts the HTML from the corresponding file in the assets directory into the template.