Multiple pages without .md files?

I can’t use the .md structure to have multiple pages (navigation, [about, online store, contact us, etc] I need to be able to use the HTML partials, is there a way I can reference directly to a file in my nav?

Iff I understand your intent correctly, you should be looking at static files. They can include html:

partials can have links that point to static files. That said, the beauty of Hugo is that you separate content (.md, json, yaml, toml…) from presentation structure.

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Ah, so yes. I have my structured html files, in the layouts directory.

I have some in my baseof.html acting as partials, but would like specific pages (store, contact, services) acting as separate pages that I can navigate to for better SEO. Looking over that link I don’t see the solution.

afaik hugo is not geared to producing a site tree from partials. It uses .html pages in the static directory and .md files in the content directory. Off the top of my head, the static files are only available if referenced in a partial or .md markdown file.

I suggest you spend some time trying to understand the following:

you can use html instead of markdown. The sitemap will be dictated by what you put in the frontmatter.

I suggest you take some time to understand these things and refactor the work you’ve done so far. There is little point in using Hugo otherwise.

Yes I’m using front matter to drive my content, what I’m asking is I’d like to be able to point a nav to a separate page and not a “section” (single page website)
An example of a separate page I want I want to be able to click on my navigation and open this page. <a href="team">team</a>


{{ $data := index site.Data site.Language.Lang }}
{{ if $ }}

<section id="team">
    {{ $ }}
    {{ range $ }}
        {{ .name }}
    {{ end }}

{{ end }}


   "enable": false,
   "title": "",
   "subtitle": "",
   "content": "",
   "image": "",
   "image_alt_text": "",
   "long_tail_keyword": "",
   "meta_description": "",
    "team": [
            "image_alt_text": "",
            "designation": "",
            "content": "",
            "social": [
                    "icon": "",
                    "link": ""

ok, then I think this is the resource you need: