I have a single HTML page in static. I’d like this page to use the same CSS/SCSS as the other pages on my website.
Is there a way I can use partials in this static page? If not, what is the best practice for dealing with this? Do I have to resort to injecting lines with something like sed?
Thank you. I think it’s picking up the HTML file now but the page I’m seeing is not what I would expect, the HTML page isn’t being shown correctly. Its different compared to what I see if I run an http-server and load the HTML page at
The above is either a typographical error, or a conceptual disconnect.
The page you created is served at: http://localhost:1313/foo/bar/api
Are you trying to open the file directly from the file system instead of serving it? If so, don’t do that.
Working example:
git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-52479 https://github.com/jmooring/hugo-testing hugo-forum-topic-52479
cd hugo-forum-topic-52479
hugo server