I want to get a count of blog posts by month. Actually, I want to do that for each of my types of content. Ultimately, the idea is to generate a sparkline, rather link Aaron Parecki does on his website.
The code I finally ended up with looks like this. First I have a partial template posting-status.html
. It cycles through all the types of sections I have and draws a sparkline, a count of posts, and a link to the section. I don’t think the code is pretty, but it seems to work.
{{ range .Pages.GroupBy "Section" }}
{{ $MyKey := .Key }}
<ul class="sparklines">
{{ range .Pages }}
<embed {{ printf "src=%q" ( replaceRE "(\\s)" "" (partial "sparkline-data" (dict "context" . "WhatSection" $MyKey ))) | safeHTMLAttr }} width="100" height="15">
{{ len .Pages }} <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Then there is another partial that gets the data needed for the sparkline. This took a lot of messing around because (a) Hugo was keen to HTML encode the data, and (b) I could figure way to build an ‘array’ of the count of posts by month. Anyway, in the end sparkline-data.html
looks like this:
{{ $master_list := dict "2021 10" 0 }}
{{ $ThisSection := .WhatSection }}
{{ range (.context.Site.RegularPages.GroupByDate "y2006_01").Reverse }}
{{ $my_year := .Key }} {{ $my_entries := len (where .Pages.Reverse "Section" $ThisSection ) }}
{{ $temp := dict $my_year $my_entries }}
{{ $master_list = merge $temp $master_list}}
{{ end }}
{{ $StartYear := 2000 }}
{{ $EndYear := now.Format "2006" }}
{{ $MyList := "0" }}
{{ $NewOne := "" }}
{{ range $index, $year := (seq $StartYear $EndYear ) }}
{{ range $month := (seq 1 12) }}
{{ $key := (printf "y%d_%02d" $year $month) }}
{{ $entries := index $master_list $key }}
{{ if $entries }}
{{ $NewOne = $entries }}
{{ else }}
{{ $NewOne = "0" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $MyList = print $MyList ", " $NewOne }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{- print "/images/sparkline.svg?" $MyList -}}
All-in-all, I don’t think I am good at doing coding/functions/templates in Hugo, but it works.