Sort post in custom taxonomy order by param

I have created custome taxonomy called “series”. I have some question and hope someone can help me.
p/s: I just move from wp to hugo in 3 days.

When i go to this link : http://localhost:1313/series/ and i got something like this

So, how can i set thumbail for series, or for tag ? (not for post).

When i click into some series . i got list all post of series. But default, it sort by date but i want to show order post in series .
In post content , i set some params like this :

type: post
date: 2019-03-27T08:32:12+00:00
image: /images/Jenkins-2.0-5.jpg
- Devops Resources
- jenkins
- Jenkins cho người mới bắt đầu
series.position: 6

Thank so much!


You can do this by adding custom metadata to a taxonomy term as demonstrated in the docs here: Taxonomies | Hugo

In your case, you would want to add the image url in your taxonomy term metadata.

You can order content in taxonomy by assigning weights like here: Taxonomy templates | Hugo

2 posts were split to a new topic: Custom layout for custom taxonomy