I’ve been working on templates to list summaries on an index page. What I would like to implement is the ability to style a summary block from the actual content, i.e. via page .Params.featurestyle
Content file:
title = "Test Title"
date = "2017-11-03T18:10:10+11:00"
description = "Meow foobar."
featurestyle = "color: green; background: red;"
Template list.html
file that lists the summaries:
{{ $pageList := where .Site.Home.Pages "Section" "projects" }}
{{ range $page := $pageList }}
<section class="feature" style="{{ $page.Params.featurestyle }}">
<a class="blockAnchor" href="{{ $page.Permalink }}">
<h2>{{ $page.Title }}</h2>
<aside>{{ $page.Summary }}</aside>
{{ end }}
The issue is with the following line:
<section class="feature" style="{{ $page.Params.featurestyle }}">
The output should be:
<section class="feature" style="color: green; background: red;">
Instead I’m getting:
<section class="feature" style="ZgotmplZ">
Bug, or am I doing something wrong?