Simplify my code with custom variables?

Hi guys

I have this itunes.toml in my data folder:

ranking = [ "/songs/luke-bryan/", "/songs/dan-+-shay/" ]

I want to get rid of /songs/ and .md in my itunes.toml urls so the url will be luke-bryan/drink-a-beer only. Can i add them in the code below somehow?

{{ range .Site.Data.itunes.ranking }}
{{ $page := $.Site.GetPage . }}
{{ with $page }}
{{ .Title }} , {{ .Permalink }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

“/songs” + URL + “.md”. How I do that? Thanks guys.

Use print and printf:

{{ print "/songs" .URL ".md" }}
{{ printf "/" .URL }}
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PS - Your ranking is also correct. :smile:


thank you for your quick reply :slight_smile:

I can’t figure out where to put it in the code…

{{ range .Site.Data.itunes.ranking }}
{{ $page := $.Site.GetPage . }}
{{ with (printf "/songs/") .$page }}
{{ .Title }} , {{ .Permalink }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} 

That doesn’t work… hmmm

It’s working already!

{{ $page := $.Site.GetPage ( printf "/songs/" . ) }}

this is it… thanks moorereason :slight_smile:

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