Hi everyone!
I have a site structure
── content
| └── en
| └── cases
| ├── case_1.md
| ├── case_2.md
| ├── case_3.md
| ├── case_n.md
├── layouts
| └── cases
| └── baseof.html
layouts/cases/baseof.html file structure is
{{ range where $pages "Params.category" "ne" "hasLink" }}
{{ end }}
What I need to do is to make all cases on page mysite.com/cases to shuffle on each page reload, to show them in different order. Found a shuffle func according to doc and used it.
{{ range shuffle (where $pages "Params.category" "ne" "hasLink") }}
{{ end }}
Shuffle works fine but only once, not on every page reload. After further research I found out, that since hugo is static it’s not gonna call shuffle on every page refresh, only on first build. I came across to the thread (How to show a list of random posts - #4 by jmooring, How to use shuffle on my partiall - #5 by damien1), but still don’t how to handdle my situation. Could someone come with the advice, please? Is there a way to get by not using JS?