Should this trigger an error?

I had an incomplete {{ now.Year }} when the server was running and no error was triggered ({{ now.Yea }}). Even removing more letters after the dot results in no error. Only after server restart does the error show up.

Possibly cache issue.

An error is thrown only if your browser is currently pointed to a page (any page) on the site. For example, if the browser is closed, Hugo will not throw an error when changing now.Year to now.Foo when running hugo server.

Please log a bug.

0.125.4 solves the issue.

No, it does not.

An error is thrown only if your browser is currently pointed to a page (any page) on the site. For example, if the browser is closed, Hugo will not throw an error when changing now.Year to now.Foo when running hugo server.

Please log a bug.

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