Shortcodify, to use relref in front matter?

I use front matter a lot to configure my templates.
Is there a way to “shortcodify” a piece of content?

For example, I can already do something like:

title: Landing
  headline: This is *Awesome*

In layouts I can use {{ .Params.Hero.Headline | markdownify }}.

I would like to write :

title: Landing
  headline: This is *Awesome*
  action: [{{< icon "download" >}} Click Here]({{< relref "" >}})

Is there anything similar to {{ .Params.Hero.Action | markdownAndShortcodify }} ? It would apply the same processing than the one applied on content.

I don’t think so. But if you think about this a bit, you can just move the shortcode into the partial that loads based on front matter. For instance, if you want to link your action to, maybe just have a partial that relref to the front matter value. Make sense?

Of course that requires you standardize the actions.

Thanks for the tip!
For this very specific case it would work, but I’m working with more complex cases.
Landings are always the same components, so I have different blocks I use in all my themes. An example :

I express it in my front matter with:

    (... hero, etc)
    - kind: benefits
      id: benefits
      title: Bulk up your focus
        - title: Practice
          copy: "Learn to focus in 25 minutes blocks. It's simple and easy to measure."
          image: /landing/exercise.png
        ... etc

Say I want to link another page, using relref in the copy fields, I can’t really standardize the actions here.