Shortcode param doesn't work with 'false' boolean param

Accessing a frontmatter parameter with Shortcode param fails when the parameter is boolean and has value false.

title: param test
bool1: true

{{< param bool1 >}}

gives true.

title: param test
bool1: false

{{< param bool1 >}}

rises error Param "bool1" not found: "/content/test/" logged 1 error(s)

Because when it is false it’s like it’s not there.
If you want to return false than you need to convert that into a string.

This is the only situation where I have found the isset function to be useful.

You can override the internal “param” shortcode.

mkdir -p layouts/shortcodes
touch layouts/shortcodes/param.html

Then place this in the new file:

{{- $value := "" }}
{{- with $name := .Get 0 }}
  {{- if $.Params }}
    {{- if isset $.Page.Params $name }}
      {{- if in (slice true "true") ($.Page.Param $name) }}
        {{- $value = true }}
      {{- else if in (slice false "false") ($.Page.Param $name) }}
        {{- $value = false }}
      {{- else }}
        {{- $value = $.Page.Param $name }}
      {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
  {{- end }}
{{- else }}
  {{- errorf "The %s shortcode did not find %q in front matter. See %s" $.Name $name $.Position }}
{{- end }}
{{- $value -}}

This will return false if the param is false or "false", and will return true if the param is true or "true".

For my simple use case, the following might sufficient.

title: param test
bool1: false
bool2: true
str1: "str1"
str2: "false"
number1: 1
number2: 3.14

{{< param2.inline  "bool1" >}}{{ $.Page.Param (.Get 0) }}{{< /param2.inline >}}
{{< param2.inline  "bool2" />}}
{{< param2.inline  "str1" />}}
{{< param2.inline  "str2" />}}
{{< param2.inline  "number1" />}}
{{< param2.inline  "number2" />}}