Thank you! That set me off on the right track. I modified your partial and came up with this, which avoids using any JavaScript:
{{ $headers := findRE "<h[2].*?>(.|\n])+?</h[2]>" .Content }}
{{ if and (ge (len $headers) 1) (ne $.Params.toc "none") }}
<div class="docs-right-nav">
<div class="docs-right-nav-inner">
{{ range $headers }}
<!-- for each h2 element, do the following:
- apply Hugo's plainify function to strip the html and get the contents
- apply lower to turn it lowercase
- replace whitespace with hyphens
- strip punctuation -->
<li><a href='#{{ replaceRE "\\s" "-" (. | plainify | lower) | replaceRE "[,.!?;:]" "" }}'>{{ . | plainify }}</a></li>
{{ end }}
<a class="js-download" href="index.pdf">Download page as PDF</a>
{{ end }}
However, this is really just a workaround. I would love to know why Hugo does this - in my case, the shortcode did nothing to the headings, it was just around them.
I don’t really rely on the docs for the shortcodes, I’ve got myself in a mess trying to follow them before. Looking at the docs, using the following should allow the table of contents to work, right?
{{% insight-long %}}
{{% /insight-long %}}
I went and tried it, and it doesn’t. It only includes the sections outside the shortcode still.
That removes all the markdown formatting within the shortcode (so headings, bold etc. don’t show as formatted, you just get a load of ## and ** and so on)
In that case you need to either show us your code or create a small dummy project that demonstrates the issue. As I said above, the setup works for me, so there may be something else going on. We need to be able to replicate the problem to help you.