Reverse loop an array of JSON data

I have a JSON array as

  "Education": [
      "title": "Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech)",
      "current": false,
      "where": "Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad",
      "from": 2007,
      "to": 2011
      "title": "Postgraduate Diploma in Computer and Information Sciences (PgDipCIS)",
      "current": false,
      "where": "Auckland University of Technology",
      "from": 2013,
      "to": 2014
      "title": "Master of Computer and Information Sciences (MCIS) (First Class Honors)",
      "current": false,
      "where": "Auckland University of Technology",
      "from": 2014,
      "to": 2015
      "title": "Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)",
      "current": true,
      "where": "Auckland University of Technology",
      "from": 2016,
      "to": "Present"

And the way I am displaying it is by doing

    {{ range $k, $i := .Site.Data.Education }}
        {{ partial "education.html" . }}
    {{ end }}

and the education.html has:

<table class="uk-table uk-table-responsive">
        {{ range . }}
                <td>{{.from}} - {{.to}}</td>
                    <p>{{if .company }}{{.company}},{{end}} {{.where}}</p>
        {{ end }}

How should I reverse the array output such that Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is shown first? I tried using reverse I don’t think it works on maps. I also tried using Scratch to set the primary index to the length of the array and decrementing it till the last index of the array.

I don’t know what else to do, does Hugo support reversing dictionary arrays?


Hugo has a sort function: which you could use to sort by field from.

I have tried that I get execute of template failed: template: partials/education.html:3:17: executing "partials/education.html" at <sort "from">: error calling sort: can't sort string

    {{ range sort "from" }}
            <td>{{.from}} - {{.to}}</td>
                <p>{{if .company }}{{.company}},{{end}} {{.where}}</p>
    {{ end }}

You need to sort the array, using from as the sortByField do something like the last example on the docs I linked to above,


{{ range sort . "from" "desc" }}
  {{ .from }} ...

Thanks. It worked.