title = "Standard dir structure for VDEC data analysis projects"
date = 2018-08-25T13:06:25-05:00
weight = 5
lastmod = [":fileModTime", ":default"]
but it always prints the date as in the front matter (2018-08-25) instead of today’s date (I modified the content file today).
if I remove date = 2018-08-25T13:06:25-05:00 from the front matter, it prints an empty date 01/01/0001
what am I missing?
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.47.1/extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate: unknown
same issue with
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.48/extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate: unknown
In a sense. I have written much about this in the past: Using the file mod timestamp will only work if you have one source. Once you distribute this across machines, that timestamp will not represent “author date”. Have a look a the Git integration Hugo provides.