We have our site organized by versions like: (eg: example.org/v1 , example.org/v2
├── v1/
│ ├── command1.md
│ └── subdir
│ └── command2.md
├── v2/
│ ├── command1.md
│ └── subdir
│ └── command2.md
└── _index.md
... v3,v4 ...
Now inside a shortcode, (that could be used at any depth), I would like to put a link, say to command1
I can’t use /v1/command1
as that would always point to only the v1
’s command1
even if I use the shortcode anywhere in v2/v3 ...
I can’t use ../../command1
, as that won’t work at all depths.
What is the right way to generate the correct relative URL in this scenario?
Any help would be great !!
I had hoped for a simpler way to do this, but we have to (a) restrict the search to the current top-level section, and (b) search everywhere in the current section (up, down, and sideways).
The best I have so far is:
{{< link-to-page-in-section "command1" >}}
{{- $targetPage := .Get 0 }}
{{- with (where .Page.FirstSection.RegularPagesRecursive "File.ContentBaseName" $targetPage) }}
{{- if gt (len .) 1 }}
{{- errorf "The %q shortcode was unable to resolve %q to a page (ambiguous target). See %s" $.Name $targetPage $.Position }}
{{- else }}
{{- with index . 0 -}}
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
{{- errorf "The %q shortcode was unable to resolve %q to a page. See %s" .Name $targetPage .Position }}
{{- end -}}
It throws an error when there are (a) zero matching pages, or (b) multiple matching pages.
You can link to regular pages (including leaf bundles), but not to section pages.